hi i started a new job not too long ago, and i have developed a crush on my co worker and i have a boyfriend so i don’t know what to do. i find myself wanting to talk to him through out the day or just being around him. he’s got such a good vibe and seems really cool compared to my boyfriend.
i find myself thinking of him and i know it’s wrong.
i’ve been with my boyfriend for a year and a few months, and i of course don’t want to ruin anything with him.
my co worker and boyfriend are friends which makes the matter weird, but i feel like there’s this odd tensions between me and the coworker. how do i lose these weird feelings of attraction?? should i quit my job because of this?

TLDR: crush on coworker who’s friends with my boyfriend, should i quit job??

  1. Don’t date your coworkers, especially if you’re already dating their friend. Are you seriously unable to separate attraction from acting on that attraction? By all means quit your job if you think that’s the only way to stop yourself from infidelity, but you could also, you know, just not act on it?

  2. Why are you comparing him and saying in a way he’s better than your boyfriend, you don’t even know this man you just work with him

    Break up with your boyfriend and let him find someone who appreciates him

    You go to work to do your job and earn money don’t be that girl who ends up sleeping with the co worker you won’t be taken seriously and you will end up with this guy and after a year someone shiny and new will come along and you’ll draw the same comparisons and make the same mistakes

    Or you can laugh at your silly crush and face reality this man’s attractive and a stranger leave it at that and respect your work relationship

  3. you might like someone else while liking your partner…don’t act on it though.

    and definitely don’t do things that make you like him more, like constantly talking to him, sharing your feelings and emotions, etc

  4. You comparing him to your BF and saying he’s “got such a good vibe” is just downright disrespectful to your partner and you should end the relationship.

  5. It’s normal to find other people attractive when you’re in a relationship. Even if you love your partner a lot, it can still happen. We are humans after all, and we like attractive things.

    What matters is that you don’t act on it. Don’t go out of your way to flirt with him, don’t text him on the side. Keep the relationship strictly professional.

    Crushes pass. Don’t risk your relationship over a little crush.

    Side note: dating your coworkers is something that you should avoid regardless…

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