However as I’ve gotten older and done more attempts at dating, I’ve learned that even a yes can still be a no sometimes. The amount of times I’ve asked for a girls number or asked to hang out and got a “Yes!” and then they don’t text back or ghost is too high.

Don’t get me wrong I understand girls try to protect themselves from psychos and all that. I just wish I could get “sorry I’m busy” answers or “I have a boyfriend”

Just recently I was chatting with this girl over the weekend and asked if she would be down to hang and she said “yes I would love to” and instead of being excited about a possible upcoming date my mind set was “I wonder if she was just saying yes to be polite?” cause when I asked her, it was over a phone call and not a text that she could just ignore or take the time to give an excuse.

Anyone else feeling this way? :/

Edit for clarification: I’m 31 years old and from the US

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