So basicly the title says it all. My girlfriend and i are together for about 5 years and in this relationship lots of things happened. In the first 2 years she cheated 3 times by kissing other dudes while she was studying at the other side of the country (200 km from where i live). At that time we would only see eachother in the weekend. We broke up for a while but when covid joined the party we got back together and i forgave her for that. Since then we were closer then we were before. Since we were back together we made lots of great memories and everything has been great. We have laughed a lot but also lost people we loved together.

I recently (2 months ago) moved out of my parents house to live on my own. We talked about living together but i wanted to live on my own for the first few months/year because i want to get the experience of living on my own and be responsible for taking care of myself. She agreed and she would stay at home at here parents house till lwe were ready to live together. But due to her work which is close to where i live she already stays with me from thursday till monday.

Now the last few weeks/months i’m starting to feel a bit like i have lost the chemistry with her. A few nights ago we had a serious talk about us because she also felt that i became a bit distant towards her. I wanted to be honest with her and that i didn’t do it consciously at all, butthat the only explenation i could think off could be that i’m maybe no longer in love with her like she is with me. The problem is that i just don’t know if i’m still i nlove with her, and i know for sure she is still in love with me because of how she acts around me and the effort she puts into us. We also talked about her being a lot at my place even though we agreed that i would live on my own for a while till i/we are ready to live together. We then decided to take it easy the comming 2/3 weeks and not see eachother for a while so i can get a bit of space to find out for myself out wheter i still have feelings for her.

But how do you find out?? I mean i still care about her and i will always do, but at a time i had a clear view of being together in the future and i don’t have that now. I just can’t figure it out.

My (24M) and GF(21) are together for 5 years and i don’t know if i still love her. After a short break in the second year of our relationship (due to her cheating) we got back together and i forgave her. Now i live in my own but i began subconciously acting distant towards her. We talked and i said that i’m not sure i still have the same feelings i had in the beginning of our relationship. Now we agreed on not seeing eachother for a while to figure out if i still have the feelings for her. But how do i figure it out???

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