My bf (24M) and I (24F) have been together 9 months, but I have these pet peeves about him that are driving me nuts lately.

He doesn’t know much about the world. I feel like I have to tell him things, how things work, what words mean even. Other people our age have to tell him things too. He is just kind of oblivious to the world and sometimes sounds stupid, it’s embarrassing actually. He is rational and logical by nature and somehow has no street smarts.

He eats loud. I’ve told him and he tries to be quieter but a lifelong habit is tough to break.

He works out almost every day, doesn’t eat unhealthy, and is strong, yet somehow is very undertoned for a man that lifts weights. My biceps are more defined than his. He is slim but also has a weird fatty layer on his body that never goes away. I think it’s his genetics and somehow that makes it worse.

His laugh makes me cringe.

He’s not very good at a lot of things he tries. Everything he does he is just kind of…average in. No matter how hard he tries.

BUT otherwise, he is perfect. He is driven, dedicated, sweet, gentle and emotionally intelligent. He treats me perfect. We have fun, I miss him when he’s not with me, and I do love him so much.

TLDR: Am I being OCD about these things or is it normal/okay for these things to be a dealbreaker? What if I find different flaws like this with everyone meet??

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