Hi all,

im not sure if this is the right place to ask, but for context i was put on medication to combat my hypersexuality OCD like a year go and its helped a lot, like super a lot. its called venlafaxin. i had some therapy sessions but because the meds worked so well i kinda dropped that and was fine ever since.

the last week or so though the effect has kinda been losing power i think, or at least it really feels like a lot of the symptoms are coming back. my next session is in 2 months and i cant get an appointment before then (i already wrote an email). i didnt change anything about the dose or the manufacturer or anything like that.

does anyone else have experience with sexual OCD or other obsessive hypersexual thoughts/behavior? i think it might be a long shot to find someone who is also medicated for it but that would be ideal ofc.

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