Who do you wish to meet one day, and why?

  1. Sam Raimi. My favorite horror movies are Evil Dead 1 and 2 and Army of darkness is great. His Spiderman trilogy was my favorite superhero movies. (Tho The Batman 2022 took that spot). He seems dope and I’d love to talk horror and maybe take a ride in his 1973 Oldsmobile lol.

  2. My long-term romantic partner, because I want to share my life with someone who’s awesome and compatible with my personality.

  3. stray cat which I named garfel. my father was afraid she has rabies so he brought her to the side of the road which made me extremely mad and sad. I tried to find her but she’s not there anymore. I hope she’s fine and healthy 🙁

  4. Steve Harvey, just so I can say outrageous stuff to him while enjoying his reaction to each question.

    * S.H.: ‘Sup, man. Nice to meet ya’ *gives a firm handshake*
    * Me: ‘My pleasure- say, you got a minute?’
    * S.H.: ‘Sure, what is it?’
    Me: ‘Will you eat air?’
    * S.H.: …😐🤔🤨 *Reaction ensue* ‘Eat air?!’
    * Me: ‘Yes,’
    * S.H.: *Reaction continues then slightly increases* ‘How do you *eat* air?’
    * Me: *Fires a dirty air at his general direction*
    * S.H.: 😨😖😱🤢 *Backs away* ‘I’m done.’ *Teleports*
    * Me: ‘Wow, I didnt know he can do that…’

  5. PJ Harvey.

    Just a big fan and she’s the last artist on my bucket list because she never tours and when she has come to the US in the past she basically only hits NY and LA. C’mon Polly, tour just *one more time*. I’ve never seen somebody take raw emotions most of us would prudently moderate and turn them into art like she does.

  6. God , to tell him he’s a spoiled kid with delusions of grandeur and that he really fucked us up

  7. That girl who I was into and to ask her out maybe we could explore if we are compatible or not. The things kinda ended abruptly and sorry to be vague but the situation wasn’t controllable by either of us and we just knew each other platonically after that (with distance). Didn’t get a chance to connect with her on social media so would like to meet her somehow in a place where I could genuinely talk to her.

  8. My internet friends! We planned to meet before the pandemic, but then it never happened. 😅

  9. My daughter and if I do one day I believe it’ll make me live and feel so much better than I am feeling now.

  10. If time travel becomes a thing, I’d love to meet my young self, so I can tell him to not become a disappointing failure like I did.

  11. Oda. I need to thank him for his amazing story. One Piece has lifted me up so many times over the past 20 years

  12. Alex Lifeson

    When I was 10 years old and heard Moving Pictures for the first time, Alex’s playing was a big part of why I picked up a guitar and have now been pursing a career in entertainment all these years later. I’m a die hard Rush fan and had the pleasure of meeting Geddy at a book signing right before the pandemic (which was an incredible experience) but Alex is easily top of my very short list of celebrities I want to meet.

  13. I would like to meet James Burke. I wonder if he still teaches and if I will ever get the chance to listen to him.

  14. I want to meet a younger version of myself and warn myself it’s going to be one hell of a ride and remember to live a little, stop over thinking it and fucking believe in myself (you got this bro, don’t wreck yourself over nothing).

  15. Britney Spears.

    So I can tell her for the love of GOD to stop rocking side to side in all her IG videos lol

  16. My doppelganger. Apparently there’s a person(s) out there who looks like me according to multiple strangers.

  17. Doug Stanhope. Dude’s comedy has helped me through some dark times, I’d like to thank him for that. And he just seems like an all around amazing human being. I’d love to go thrifting with him.

  18. All political correctness, me too movement, sexual harassment aside. Jason Momoa. I’d climb him like a tree and have my way with him.

  19. The love of my life haha

    And maybe my ideal self, ask him how he broke through the mental barriers stopping me from doing what i know i must do now i.e stop procrastinating

  20. Someone who teaches me that my expectations aren’t realistic, both for me and for others. Been working on it in therapy for a while, haven’t really broken through yet

  21. someone willing to give me a fraction of the love I have to offer.

  22. My wife I’ve waited almost 26 years haven’t found her yet though 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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