So this girl I really liked rejected me saying I look like a fuckboy and am too intense and that she was looking for something casual and fun.

For context, I’m 6 feet, about 10 kgs underweight (meaning very thin) and don’t consider myself good looking. I’ve been overthinking this for the better part of last week now and I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me.

And if there’s something wrong, I’d like to address it before putting myself back out there. Could y’all help me figure out what did she mean?

  1. Probably exactly what she said. You look and probably dress like a fuckboy.

    She probably thought you were way too upfront which that one is a her issue

  2. I think she was just blowing smoke… casual and fun is what a “fuck boy” is for…

  3. Who the fuck knows. hah Either ask her to clarify or don’t worry about it. One persons dumb opinion doesn’t mean anything.

  4. Thing is there’s nothing wrong with how you look. I wouldn’t let the fuckboy comment get to you, as long as you know you’re not a fuckboy then you’re not. However I find it weird how she says she wants casual fun but has no interest in a fuckboy, which generally speaking is a dude who’s a player and wants sex. This whole thing is odd lol

  5. Y’all gotta stop taking shit to heart , when someone shows you they trash then that doesn’t mean you’re trash.

  6. You look like someone she had a falling out with in the past and the resentment fell on you.

  7. Maybe I’m letting my age show but I don’t really know what a fuckboy is. But her telling you that you were too intense might mean that you came on to aggressively to her. I’ve had men in the past do that and it can be very uncomfortable feeling and intimidating. Perhaps you need to rethink your approach.

  8. It’s probably how you dress. Usually I think fuckboy when a guy is young, bro-y, and overconfident. Dressed in preppy or trashy clothing. Usually walks with a little too much swagger. Is loud at bars. Has obnoxious immature (mostly male) friends. They take up too much space when they enter a room. They dress and seem like they are trying too hard and not actually self-assured.

    But some women are into that so if you aren’t a fuck boy and aren’t overcompensating keep looking and find someone who is into you as you are.

  9. If you wear your hat barely on the top of your head you may be living in fuck boy territory. Perhaps relocate and wear your hat on your head and axe every pair of joggers you might have in your possession

  10. Think of it like the internet, muh dude. Do you get too stressed when someone says some dumbass naive comment to ya on here? Probz not. Let it slide on and keep on stride

  11. It means you tried too hard. Or you were too desperate. She just said the thing about your appearance to jab at you because some people can’t leave a situation without dropping some sort of bomb. Congrats, you just dodged a bullet full of self doubt and low self esteem

  12. I believe there’s at least 2 types of fuckboy. You’ve got the gym bro, muscular, loud, obnoxious, sweat pants type.

    But then you’ve got the skinny, silent, bit nerdy or alternative, bit of a ‘bad boy’ vibe or skater type.

    By the sounds of what you’ve potentially come across as the 2nd type. The type who says very little, has a lot of very intense stares and likes to get the girls to chase them before having sex with them.

    I understand you may be introverted but make sure you do have good conversation, smile, laugh and don’t spend too much time just silently looking at the woman.

  13. Anytime you’re tall and in good shape and reasonably attractive SOME women will assume you’re a f boy or Chad or whatever nonsense of the month is going on. This happened to me at a pretty low key bar a few nights ago. I’m 6-3, lean, and probably a 7 on a scale. So fine but not hot by any means. And some women just automatically assume you’re that. I would move on op. And isn’t f boys what something casual is for lol?

  14. How are we supposed to know why she meant like I’m genuinely curious what you expect to find here

  15. It doesn’t matter the reason, get over it an move on, because you got lucky and dodged that crazy…

  16. Let’s determine the meaning from one rando person with zero context, shall we?

    Error 4501: Not enough input. Fuckboi failed. Abort, Cancel or Retry?

  17. What she said is so contradictory. If she just wants something casual and fun then why would she have a problem with you being a “fuckboy”? And how were you too intense for “casual and fun” if you’re a fuckboy? This makes no sense to me.

  18. From this context, i take it you might be putting too much interest into her. Maybe you ask for too much of her time, or talk about serious stuff, or only get down to business, so to speak, when she’s around. If she’s saying she wants something casual and fun, saying that you come off as to intense tells me you aren’t light-hearted around her. In this context, the “fuckboy” comment is confusing, but maybe she meant it as someone who only wants sex, and nothing else. Someone who is looking for something casual or fun might also be down for cute dates or whatever, doesn’t always have to be sex.

  19. That’s just mind game shit. She’s throwing terms out there without even thinking about what they mean. This is probably a person who runs purely on emotion and can’t even determine why she doesn’t like you, she just didn’t feel the “vibe” and gave some generic criticism as an excuse.

    Don’t think too much of it. Just keep on being yourself and growing into the person *you* want to be.

  20. Dude I’ve been rejected because I was thought to be an F boy and sometimes this is a way for women to reject you when they don’t even know what it is making them reject you

    And don’t worry about it because what she’s rejecting you over could be anything

  21. She feels you can’t be controlled. Look, she has trust issues. Casual and fun Is on her terms. There was no winning with her, bro, check my history. Got the same lip service for having a shirtless pic, but she was still sitting there talking to me to dig up what my essence was about, I just got tired of her and it fizzled. Keep trucking, and find your permanent confidence.

  22. I know plenty of guys that are your type that have LTR.

    Her reasonings literally cancel each other out. Unfortunately not a sign of intelligence. I say you dodged a bullet. Move on there is nothing wrong with you. Women can be harsh (I am a woman btw) and it sucks. Wish you well.

  23. What if there’s nothing wrong with you and she treated you like that because of her own internal dialogue?

    Don’t waste your energy on this one.

  24. He’ll never really know what she means. But, does she mean you literally look like a fuckboy, you think, or do you think she means you seem like a f*** boy.? If you’re tall and lanky and you have shaggy unwashed bed head look and kind of emo style etc, you might look like one of those guys who doesn’t really want to be manly but wants to kind of affect an emo hipster look that some women seem to go for. If you look like that, maybe reconsider or stick with it as you see fit .

    If she means you seem like one, you might come off as one of those guys who gets heavily and deeply emotional, under the pretense of being intense and hating small talk and being too deep for common existence etc. Back in my day they used to be into poetry and would talk about Sylvia Plath and other self-absorbed depressive poets and musicians. Some girls just fall for that big time .

    So she might mean you’re you seem like you’re just trying to get into her pants by being this intense emotionally raw emo guy and she’s looking for a regular guy to just hang out and have fun with.

    Maybe she’s all wrong about you, or maybe the shoe fits a little too closely. Only you can really answer that question

  25. It means trash took itself out. Pls don’t take this to heart and change your appearance.

  26. she basically called you a energetic slut . Woman have said the same thing to me it’s usually a woman that are overweight/introverted and see my healthy habits as me being narasistic . In some ways she protecting her ego but in my opinion you always need to take the high road be kind to people that are sadly hurt .

  27. Try gather more data (Approach more girls). 5+ opinions is something. One opinion is worthless.

  28. Dude, she isn’t worth all of this thought!! Look in the mirror and tell that guy “you got lucky this time, she’s FIH. Move on, be yourself. Remember there’s a lid for every pot.

  29. A fuckboi usually entails someone who uses women for casual sex. So her saying she wants casual and fun seems possibly contradictory.
    really anyone saying you look like “X” as a reason they cant date you is actually a reason you wouldn’t want to date them.
    Imagine being so shallow. Sad
    Sometimes people just say mean shit.
    Hurt people hurt people
    I’d just keep being you and look for a good fit

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