I’ve been seeing this guy for 6 months and I’ve been in long term relationships that lasted years before, but I never had such strong feelings like I had for this guy. I thought he could honestly be the one for me. Just being around him instantly put me in a better mood, we never fought, we liked so much of the same things, we could talk for hours, I never connected with someone like I did with him and I started to fall for him. Then last night I found out this whole time he has still been on dating apps and I’m heart broken, it feels like it hurts worse than when my years long relationships ended because in those I knew it was coming. But this was so sudden I didn’t see this coming and it’s like someone kicked me in the stomach and I cannot stop crying no matter how much I tell myself I’ll be fine. I of course ended things with him out of self respect but I miss him so so much, so badly I want to call him and go be with him and pretend like I didn’t see what I did. I feel like the only thing that would make me feel better would be to curl up hug him and cry on his chest despite it being him who hurt me so bad. I know for myself I need to stay away but the pain is so intense right now, I could just use some encouragement if anyone has any 😞

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