So I’ve been dating my gf for a year now and recently I found out she has cheated multiple times. When I asked why she said “well I didn’t think it was serious in the beginning because you had female friends”. I didn’t even know how to respond. I told her from the very beginning that my friends are my friends and I’m not cutting them off because you haven’t healed from your previous relationship. And she still decided to keep dating me. However, I don’t think that is the reason at all because she would frequently get mad at me for even speaking to females at all. I remember one time this female literally said “Hey Ty” to me and she flipped and accused me of liking her or one time I was speaking to my roommate (a female) in the living room and she flipped and said “you’re probably fucking her” and “no go be with her since you want to talk so bad”. So how is it not serious when you are actively acting like it’s serious? And why were you cheating but getting mad at any woman I speak to? If it wasn’t serious you’d think she wouldn’t care at all and wouldn’t lie that she cheated at the time.

Forgot to add one detail in here as well. So on December 17th I finally agreed to stop talking to my female friends (I didn’t want to but i decided to just give it a try). She said “thank you this is all I ever wanted!!!”. Literally 1 week later I caught her texting the guy she cheated on me with. So I ask “I thought we said no texting male / female friends?” And she says “I told you I just needed time to heal” so I’m thinking in my head “all you needed was 1 week?!” All that cheating and lying just for 1 week?”. Then she basically says she doesn’t care anymore and she can text whoever as long as she isn’t doing anything….. the 360 is blowing my mind and I’m not sure the reasons behind these actions.

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