Do you eat breakfast in the morning?

  1. Yup.

    Avocado toast with an over easy egg is my go to but I’ve been eating a lot of overnight oats lately. My whole family has been into the overnight oats thing, including the 3 year old, which has been pretty great. It takes me less than 5 minutes to fill up our mason jars with a 1/2 cup of oats, some milk, almond slivers, and a couple of berries before bed and that’s breakfast for six people.

  2. Sometimes. A couple hard boiled eggs or maybe some raisin bread if I have made some.

  3. I eat breakfast after the early morning gym. Cold coffee + milk + protein powder. When I get to my desk, greek yogurt with peanut butter + granola.

    On weekends: eggs + leftover meat / veggies + onions + mushrooms in the cast iron skillet.

  4. Yes absolutely. I have bacon or sausage and eggs every single morning. I won’t make it until lunch unless I have something substantial for breakfast.

  5. I usually don’t unless I’m up earlier than usual or going out for brunch on the weekend.

  6. Yes. I have to or I feel off. I work out in the mornings before work so depending on what day it is, I’ll have protein watfles or eggs. I work in education so some days start earlier than others.

    Weekends are for cereal or pancakes lmao.

  7. Mostly on Sundays. Not really during the week. I tend to eat my first meal around 1100.

  8. Hash Browns in the air fryer, a protein bar or shake then a ghost (usually Sour lemonade or Citrus) then off to work

  9. Yes but no at the same time. For some reason I don’t get hungry in the morning so I’ll just have a coffee or tea with some toast or I’ll have some fruit or make a smoothie. If I’m not working and don’t have to be up early I usually end up making something with eggs around noon or so.

  10. I have a bar at my desk around 9am, around when I have my 2nd cup of coffee. I eat a normal breakfast with the kids on the weekends.

  11. Yes. A bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of peanutbutter and I chop up a banana and throw it in there. It’s pretty solid.

  12. Most days yes. Today I didn’t. I finished off a package of oatmeal last week, then went on a short business trip. Today is the first day back on my schedule and I forgot I was out of oatmeal.

  13. Not usually. I just drink a bunch of coffee. Occasionally I’ll have yogurt or eggs if I’m hungry, but otherwise I wait until lunch. Sometimes I’ll have a bigger breakfast with my family on the weekend (pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, etc).

  14. I go through phases.  Right now, it’s my largest meal of the day.  For breakfast, I heated up some beef stroganoff, for lunch, I’ll have something lighter, for dinner, I’ll probably have an egg and some toast.

    I stay at home, and the rest of my family skips breakfast, has a regular-sized lunch and a big dinner.

  15. I don’t. I start my day with just coffee, and don’t eat anything until 1-2 pm.

  16. No. It upsets my stomach and makes the morning drag on. I just have a cup of black coffee.

  17. I try to, but I suck at it. Ritz crackers and mt dew was my breakfast today

  18. I am rarely hungry until late morning. I sometimes eat a late breakfast when on holiday or days off

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