I have been with my girlfriend for more than 1.5 years now and throughout that time, I’ve always thought I was happy with our relationship.

However, one downside of our relationship is that she has vaginismus and we can’t have sex because of it.
She told me about it very quickly into our relationship and I made sure I told her to be there for her.

I’ve always told myself I was fine with it and that I was willing to wait for her. However, she still hasn’t started treatment and keeps procrastinating.

Even tho she talks about sex a lot and acts horny through the phone, she doesn’t anitiate other sexual stuff either. I’ve only ever gotten 4 blowjobs throughout our relationship.

I’ve told her about this a couple of times but everytime she acts sad and it says it hurts her because she is trying her best. While I understand it could hurt her, it’s frustrating for me.

Besides from sex, I’ve always been happy with her. Hence why we are still together. We are almost made for each other it looks like. But Even tho I’ve been happy with her for such a long time, frustration is storting to take over.

I’ve told a female friend (18) of ours about this when I had a few drinks. She thought I was a bit crazy for still being with my girlfriend. Even tho she always said we are cute together.

Now this friend and I have been close for a couple of weeks now and she confessioned feelings for me. I would never cheat but this friend made me think about my relationship a lot and I am not sure what to do now.

Does anyone have any advice on how to talk to my girlfriend about this?

Edit: I talked to her and she admitted to me that she feels very insecure about her body and trauma’s have been appearing more lately. We decided to talk about what sexual stuff we should do/try in advance so she can mentally prepare.

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