Those who dated while in college, how do you plan to live together after you graduate?

  1. We were from the same metro and both planning on heading back to it, so it was kind of a non-issue.

  2. I dated someone my junior & senior year of college who lived about a 4 hour drive away. She was great, but I knew she wasn’t “the one” long term. As college came close to ending, I didn’t want to move to live in her city, and I didn’t want her to move for me. I broke it off. That didn’t go over well.

  3. Be wary of living together after being “cuffed” in College or university.

    They see it a the step in between dating and a ring showing up. Ignore any of the economic or practical rationales for living together. You’re part of their plan.

  4. We moved back to the same city but for the first year she stayed with roommates in a separate apartment. It gave just enough distance for us to focus on starting our careers.

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