He is always making risky decisions or not thinking things through right before he does something really dumb and hurts himself. The first few times I witnessed it I was genuinely concerned and thought nothing of it. But over the years of watching him.. any time he gets hurt now I know that’s it’s because when the moment came to ask “is this safe? Could something go wrong here” the thought never even comes to mind! And he just goes on a head!

From my perspective I just feel like he’s reckless, he has poor risk assessment. He doesn’t see the danger when it’s staring him right in the face and even worse if it’s not. He’s considerate of safety and will always make sure to protect loved ones or family members so no one is ever in danger. But likes to push limits and break rules as well cause he’s just a little rebellious at heart. Watching him take risks the way he does you start to think like “well duh, it’s only a matter of time before this guy hurts himself!”

For an example feel I should mention he’s an excellent driver! But his car could use a little TLC / maintenance cause it’s verging on being a safety hazard. Everytime I get in now I think not only are his risks affecting him, but me as well.

We’ve had many discussions about it, me mostly bringing it to his attention and calling him out for it. Trying to get him to recognize it’s a such a dangerously scary personality trait. Hopefully so that he works on it, and I know he really tries to be mindful for me. (But not for himself) I know he obviously doesn’t like injuring himself in dumb ways constantly. Especially when he broke his collar bone, I really thought he woulda learned from then but…. today he gets hurt at the gym… I just..god I feel bad for him, why’s he gotta stress me out like this.

I don’t want my husband to die doing something so stupid and then I’m left all alone in this world cause he just didn’t have a little common sense when it came to his wellbeing. Is there anything I can do to help him? Any advice is welcome.

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