I’m totally jealous of my bfs (26m) porn. He watches a lot of porn and we have sex maybe once a week, or every 10 days and it’s starting to make me feel like he just doesn’t want to have sex with me. Idk if it’s my(23f)
looks or that I gained some weight but I feel unattractive and maybe he feels that way about me. Is this completely a personal problem or should I bring it up with him. Whenever I’ve brought up our different sex drives in the past he’s said that he just doesn’t get horny that often and he gets irritated but if he’s horny enough to watch porn every night why can’t he be horny enough to fuck me three times a week. I feel crazy so just lmk if it’s really that I’m crazy and over reacting and I’ll try to drop the subject. I’m sure bringing up sex with him won’t make me look any sexier.

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