Have known this girl in Uni for about a month now. We’ve spent a little time together but I think both of us enjoyed eachothers’ company during that time. Now here’s why I am confused:

I AM interested in her, but I don’t know if it’s reciprocated :’)

I asked her, if she would like to go to a café, to which she said she can’t make it, as she is navigating a situation with someone so it would be weird if she said yes to this (which i didn’t understand what that meant, cause 1 I asked her out as a friend and not a date and idk what she meant by navigating a situation)

When she did say she can’t make it she added that she loves my company though and really appreciates my understanding.

Does not respond very fast to texts, sometimes not at all, doesn’t seenzone but dirsnt read them only (maybe she talks to a lotta people, which is a vibe i get from her)

When we talk in person she is very engaged, good eye contact, is bubbly, has good energy, asks questions, remembers small details about me that I had told her a while back our convos flow really well..

Doesn’t ask me out to do something, or anything or maybe just spend some time together

Agreed to go to the College Cultural Fest with me and whatever time we spend, as I said she seems fully comfortable, doesn’t have a closed body language, physical contact is rn limited to those handshakes where we fistbump a few times and handshake w bros

I don’t know bruh… I’m confused or I am overthinking

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