My(28f) boyfriend(32m) and I have a good relationship. We don’t fight about anything really, we are very patient people and understand each other well for the most part. I believe all relationships come with ups and downs and go through a natural wave-like pattern. We’ve been together a little over a year. These downward waves come every week or two for either one day or a few days. We will have a few great days then BAM.

I try my best to stay happy and normal through these waves but they tend to affect me too. He becomes annoyed, distant, distracted, and seems like he wants nothing to do with me.

I try not to take it personally. He’s a truck driver and has long days with idiots on the road so I get why he’s stressed. He needs alone time and he gets it but when I come home or when we’re going to bed it feels like he’s sick of me.

When I ask him if he’s okay or if there’s anything he’d like to talk about he ignores me then when I ask again later he asks me why I keep asking him. He knows I can feel him being distant. I want to be there for him but he pushes me away. I don’t smother him, I let him come to me when he’s ready but I feel like during these downward waves I’m just waiting on him to bounce back to normal.

So, to continue being patient and try not to take it personal? Or should I bring it up and tell him his waves are affecting me too?

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