My (29F) dog ran away, boyfriend (31M) moved out. Truck still starts, so not quite reached the country song trifecta yet. (Lawmower won’t start though)

All joking aside, I just need to vent.
My boyfriend of almost 1.5 years grew distant in the relationship over the last few months. Less quality time together, more emotionally disconnected, constantly on phone.
I wanted us to work out, and put my all into fixing our relationship. His commitment and enthusiasm just vanished.
I’ve been recovering from foot surgery since mid-Jan with a second one next week. I think it took a toll on the relationship and he resented the increased level of care, and that I couldn’t get out and do our normal activities mountain biking, etc for 6 weeks.
He was living at home with his parents before moving in with me, and I didn’t ask for rent or utilities, and was more than happy for him to keep his work machinery here. I was always very clear and transparent about my intentions with the relationship, goals and aspirations. He seemed to be on the same page for a while.

Last night, the catalyst was my dog running away while under his care. He didn’t realize, and I’m not upset at him for that. I was upset that instead of helping me look for her, he carried on playing Xbox. He packed up his clothes and I saw him drive away as I was looking for my dog.

He doesn’t like to talk about things, and has quite an avoidant personality. I got no explanation, only messages from him were along the lines of ‘I’m sleeping at my parents place. I’ll come grab the rest of my stuff on the weekend.’

I asked today if he would like to talk after him not answering my 2 phone calls. He messaged to say there was nothing to talk about. Kinda leaving me to piece it together.

Just sucks. Hurts he didn’t have it in him to talk to me about whatever was going on. To have just left without saying a word after welcoming him into my home and family. Over the last few weeks he wasn’t reciprocal with the ‘I love yous’, and said a few times he was over it. I never stopped loving him and felt I did my best, but I’m sorta left reeling wondering where I went wrong. Why he decided it was easier to move back in with his parents than commit to our relationship.

Sucks to be back at square 1 at almost 30.

A local kennel had picked up my dog, so I was able to collect her this morning. Stoked to have my little furry friend with me tonight.

Let me know if anyone has any insight or advice, feeling a bit lost but suspect I might just have to accept you don’t always get the answers you desire.

tl-dr: Boyfriend packed up his stuff and left after I got upset at him that he wouldn’t stop gaming and help look for my dog that went missing while he was home alone with her.

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