There’s this woman in my neighborhood who I’ve noticed a few times because, well, she’s pretty attractive. Today, she passed by wearing a rather eye-catching dress, and at one point, she needed to pick something up right next to where I was sitting. I swear, I tried to stay focused on my phone to avoid staring because I respect her space and didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. But, you know, human nature and all that, I ended up glancing her way.
Just my luck, she caught me looking at her legs in that split second. Our eyes met, and I’ve never felt more embarrassed in my life. I could feel my face turn red as I quickly looked away. She just said, “See ya,” and went on her way. I managed a mumbled response without making eye contact again.
I’m kinda worried now that she thinks I’m some kind of weirdo. I genuinely didn’t want to come off as creepy or anything. Is there a way to smooth things over, or should I just hope the moment fades into oblivion? How do you even recover from getting caught in a moment like that without seeming worse? Any advice would be hugely appreciated because I’m really not sure how to handle this.

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