Recently I got out of a 4 year relationship with a guy, we always had pretty amazing sex but he wasn’t very kinky and I was cool with that.

Recently I’ve started talking to this guy and we’ve sexted a few times now and it’s been so nice to discover some kinks that I’ve never had the pleasure of doing before. I’ve discovered I love being called a good girl, praise, bdsm, and some more. However he is very kinky and has some that I don’t have for example: being called daddy, being scratched to the point of bleeding, and saliva.
I don’t think any of these are a hard no for me, they’re just not something that I personally find a turn on, but I really want to please him and don’t want to him to miss out on any of his kinks (even though he has clarified with me that he’ll never pressure me into partaking in any kinks I don’t like), but part of me wanting to be a good girl is wanting to please him.

Does anyone have any tips on how to slowly start including some of his kinks into our sexting and hopefully if we actually have sex eventually? And if it’s possible to like these kinks myself 🙂

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