My friends have brought up in conversation before that I say dumb/odd things and in turn treat me like I’m a bit slow in the head or dumb. I don’t particularly think I’m smart or dumb, but it bothers me that they said this to me.

An example of me saying something dumb– when I was deciding to go on a trip with a group of friends to Los Angeles, they asked if I wanted to go (since they needed someone to fill one more spot). I said “idk I can’t really handle heat” since it would be summer and over 100 degrees F in that area. Obviously I physically CAN handle heat, but it’s not like I WANT to be in blazing hot temperatures. On the trip, I overheard them making fun of me about what I said behind my back. I don’t talk to them much anymore, but was what I said that ridiculous? Maybe I could’ve worded it better even though I didn’t think very hard when saying it.

There are other examples where often times I have a few friends in particular that tend to correct me on topics we both are not experts on (I would look up the topic online afterwards and it seems like they were not correct), or a friend who was very adamant about what type of clothes/color of jewelry would look good/bad on me even though I had already expressed to them I wanted to wear/not wear those specific clothes.

I tend to be the type to just move on from what they say and change the topic. I’ve told myself that it might just be me overthinking/being a pessimist and not worth arguing over, but it happens often enough to bother me. Every time they correct what I say (even things such as my opinion or what I’ve heard from other people) or people make fun of me for saying something “silly”, it makes me feel insecure about the things I say.

I want to see other people’s opinions on the matter. Some advice on how to not talk like a dummy would be nice and appreciated. Or maybe advice about how to softly bring up that the things they are saying to me are bothering me? Thanks in advance 🙂

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