So basically I met this girl, I’ve seen her quite a few times and we’ve chatted a good bit. She gave me her Snapchat so a couple days later I ask her if she wants to grab drinks sometime next week. She says “sure! I haven’t gotten my schedule for work yet but I’ll let you know”. She works at a restaurant so I understand how that goes. I see her a day or two after this and she gives me a hug. Eventually I hit her up during the week and she says Saturday night will probably work. I ask her if a certain place is good with her and she doesn’t respond to that question but sends me a selfie on Snapchat. Basically throughout the week she sends me boring snapchats that don’t say much if anything. I send some back of course. Throughout the week I’m pretty certain she will flake on me but she seems distant.

Eventually Saturday rolls around I message if we’re still on for getting together around 1. She doesn’t respond til like 8 and says she’s “practically babysitting” so she can’t. I say “damn that’s unfortunate, no worries”. I was ready to leave it at that but she snap chatted me so I responded but her responses take forever. The next morning she snapchats me twice with basically the same picture. I Snapchat her and she snapchats back. She goes to work, opens the message, and doesn’t respond the rest of the day. This morning she sends me a Snapchat as our streak is about to run out. I don’t open it for a couple of hours because I assume it’s the same picture she always sends me. This Snapchat is her in the mirror with very short shorts, a bunch of little hearts around the picture, and it says good morning. Very atypical of what she normally sends so I’m like okay maybe she’s interested. So I send her back something that says good morning and that she looks good. Opened the message and hasn’t responded for like 5 hours.

I hate Snapchat and I’m tired of sending pictures to this person that are devoid of meaning but then she’ll lead me on with something like that.

Basically, should I cut this person off, try to setup another date, tell them I’m not interested in snapchatting anymore but would be down to go on a date, or what?

I feel like I’m being led on honestly and she just kind of wants validation or attention.

  1. Ask her why she’s on and off and if she gives a valid reason that’s not an excuse keep going. Otherwise if she keeps making excuses etc and keeps the trend, drop her.

  2. Delete snapchat and see if she seeks you (the person) out. If she doesn’t, than she is just dangling her bits for her validation.

  3. “I’m really not that into snapchatting, but when you are ready to let me buy you that drink let me know.

  4. The pics are meant to keep you physically attracted to her. She’s probably hoping that she’s pretty enough for you to keep giving her attention when she likely has no intention of dating you seriously.

    It’s an ego stroke. Just drop her. She’s way too into herself lol

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