I am a 36-trans woman, and I recently started a FWB situation with a 74-year-old man and I think he may be falling in love with me, and I don’t want to hurt his feelings. I care a lot about him and would like to continue being intimate with him, but I don’t want a committed relationship at all and would also like to have a few other FWB’s, especially women.

We met under the intention of being FWB’s and I have told him a few times that I am okay with him pursuing other women, but I don’t think that he is doing that now that we are connecting so well. He has also spent the night a few times and we are really close in terms of friendship and comfortability.

The thing is, I really want to have a few FWB’s, I have been married for 20 years and I want to be with a lot of different people for at least a few years. I want to be with men, women, couples, maybe entire groups, I don’t know but I want to explore and not feel locked down to one person. I don’t want to hurt him by continuing to pursue these other relationships while continuing our own FWB relationship.

If it isn’t clear I am a little new to being single and having FWB’s. I feel a lot of guilt and shame about pursuing these other FWB’s because it seems like I am betraying him, and I could maybe hurt him, and I don’t want to do that. What is the ethical thing to do in this situation? Is there any reason pursuing more FWB is against the rules in this sort of relationship style? We have never said we are exclusive or in a relationship, we went in planning for it to be FWB.

Advice, especially from people with similar experiences would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

TLDR: I (36mtf) am worried my FWB (74m) is falling in love with me, and I don’t want to hurt his feelings (Possibly my own guilt/shame for pursuing multiple FWBs?)

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