Me and my girlfriend have been together for 7 months now, known each other for many many years before.

For context: my girlfriend and I both have severe childhood trauma, and a list of mental health problems to go with those. These haven’t really ever affected our relationship in any way that I’ve noticed until recent.

Recently, she’s been very quick to anger, and something that sets off her anger is when I’m upset. It doesn’t have to be that I’m upset with her, just anything at all. It could be that I’m just slightly annoyed about work, or my back problems, or anything, she gets so pissed off with me that it almost always starts an argument.

It’s gotten so bad the past few weeks that she’s mistaken me being tired/sick as me being upset, and she goes at my throat for it.

The most conflicting part about it is I know she doesn’t mean to do it intentionally, she genuinely doesn’t realize she does it, and when she does she’s very apologetic about it.

What do I do to bring this up to her? How can I stop this from happening? It feels unfair that I listen and change when she’s upset, but God forbid I’m a little bit tired.

TL;DR: my girlfriend gets very angry with me when I’m even remotely upset, or even tired. What do I do?

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