I’m an introvert, which means I get tired super quickly when I spend too long with someone. Recently I was on a call with someone for an hour and a half and I literally wanted to take a nap for the rest of the day. This is the main thing that’s stopped me from trying to talk to other people and form relationships. I would have a decent time I’m sure, but the thought of having to maintain that relationship with them even when I wouldn’t feel like it would just put me off completely. Also 90% of the time I feel completely fine just being alone. It’s that 10% where I feel pretty terrible and like I need to talk to someone. But by the time I hype myself up enough to go talk to someone, it passes and I go back to feeling fine. So it’s basically a never-ending cycle where I feel fine, suddenly feel terrible lonely, then feel fine again before I can prevent it from happening again.

Another thing is I’m not really good at just “hanging out”, so I don’t like spending time with people if we’re not actively doing something. I’m not bad at talking, I’m just bad at keeping the conversation going. So basically there’s this guy in my class whom I haven’t spoken to yet but he seems pretty similar to me – reserved, smart, not really talkative, and I was thinking of asking him if he wanted to study together since exams are soon. Idk if it’s a good idea or not but I was thinking if I had at least one person in my college I could be with casually it would help do something. Problem is, ever since we’ve been in the same class I haven’t really said anything to anyone, like at all, I’ve just done my own thing so it could be weird if I just came up to him out of nowhere especially since we haven’t spoken before.

Any advice would be appreciated. I don’t have to talk to that guy, I’ve got a lot of options for talking with other people but it just seemed like the easiest option. Just anyone I can talk to to stay away from that feeling I get when I’m alone for too long.

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