If this isn’t the right place to post this let me know and I’ll remove it.

Is it bad / weird to apologise to a friend because i feel like you are being a burden to them? (I’m mostly likely not but I just feel like I am)

  1. If they felt they were struggling to support you for whatever reason, that is on them to determine and to tell you. I would invite you to ask yourself: Why do you feel you should apologize for having a need and utilizing a resource?

    You are deserving of support and kindness!! Friends do this for each other because they care and like us and would want the same support should they need it. If your friends have had the opportunity to support you, I am sure they are grateful for it. Being there for someone when they need you helps us feel belonging and like our lives are purposeful and meaningful! Just return the favor of support when you can 🙂

    So no! There is no apology necessary as you did nothing wrong by needing someone!

  2. Don’t apologize. Say thank you. Thank you for taking care of this for me, thank you for thinking about me, thank you for waiting for me, thank you for remembering because I forgot, etc.

  3. you could and she’ll remind you how loved you are and how much you’re not, and that she cares about you (i miss those days). ive done this before and the reassurance felt amazing

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