For me it was betting a chick who was sitting court side during a university basket ball game, that she had to give me a digit of her phone number , for every basket I scored .. And had it all sorted within the first half of the game 🙂 This was a good 7 years back though

  1. I think I’ll never feel as good as when I was winning online Yu-Gi-Oh duels with my burning deck. I remember going around the house with my arms up after a win, several times.

  2. Clutched out some great wins with my son on Fortnite.

    My brothers, and our kids tie dye shirts for fun, then wear them at bbqs, etc. of them asked me why I wasnt wearing mine and I split my dress shirt like superman and they all went r/instantbarbarians.

  3. Blast Guns N’ Roses in my car while crossing the Brooklyn Bridge during heavy traffic, and almost all the pedestrians looking back at me with smiles in their faces, and a few complimenting my car (I drive a 2002 Toyota Celica GT-S that looks brand new).

  4. Asked for time off from work to attend a funeral.
    It was a friend of my neighbor, they grew up together and he was only 35.
    I was denied and was told I would get wrote up if I called in.

    I went to the funeral, it was a beautiful service.

  5. I snorted a line of good stuff at Christmas my buddy had, bought a new truck two months for the first time, wife and I never fight and my blue heeler is one cool dog, he eats a bowl of ice cream with me

  6. Today. I volunteered with my woodworking group letting children AND adults make marshmallow-tossing catapults. The children AND adults were smiling. Pure joy before my eyes! I hadn’t seen humanity so joyous, collectively, in quite some time!

  7. I went to a track day last weekend with my Miata.

    I taught my daughter to ride a bike.

    I made a kick ass dinner for the family.

    All wins this week!

  8. A week ago I painted a bike frame then built it from parts I had sourced second-hand. I’m really happy how it turned out.

  9. I work for a cigar lounge and gun shop. I feel like selling a antique black powder original Civil War revolver today for $6,500 was pretty cool!

  10. I surf at a spot that’s very scenic, with a lot of tourists watching. When you catch a great wave, you know you’re part of someone’s holiday photo. Downside is when you fuck it up, everyone sees it.

    Caught a nice one today, where at the end of the ride I popped off the back of the wave, which launched me about 6 feet into the air.

  11. Jumping off a bridge into a river. Heights terrify me, and it was a 20 ft. drop. All my friends were doing it. I’m not a huge risk-taker. I’m super cautious. I try to think of things logically. I spent half an hour looking over the railing, trying to think my way through it, then realized that I wasn’t going to be able to think my way through it. I kind of just blanked and vaulted the rail. I’m pretty sure I passed out on the way down, but the water woke me up. Since then my confidence to try crazy things has really improved.

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