At my workplace, I planned two of my team social gathering events with my other colleague, but I basically executed and did everything from making the reservations to ordering the materials needed from amazon for the events. My other colleague is supposed to also help, and did help by giving / discussing with me the two main ideas we could do, but other than that, they didn’t do anything else.

Today another coworker asked me who did more work in terms of planning the events, and at first I hesitated to answer, but my manager asked me the same thing a few days ago and I told her the truth, so I thought it was better to tell him the same thing (which was that I did all the execution of planning and booking the activities).

I also said that it was funny that he asked because someone else asked me the same thing a few days ago. He automatically gets defensive and says “how is that funny? no its not funny dont take it the wrong way , its a standard question to ask. I’m sure the other colleague would have equally as capable to do the bookings as well”. I responded by saying that I didn’t take it the wrong way and agreed with what he said about him knowing that my other colleague would be capable of doing the same. I didnt mean it any way by saying it was funny that he asked, I truly meant that i found it so random that two ppl would ask me the same thing.

In situations like this, I’m not sure why he got so defensive and why he made my feel that I’m in the wrong for telling him how I felt. How should I navigate this in the future and was I in the wrong for how I handled it?

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