Me and my gf have been together since about October of last year. Thats when we kissed for the first time. She also told me that she was the same age as me at the time, 19. However just today while I was waiting for her to check on her aunt’s cats (I’m driving her around) I decided to peek at her driver’s license. We had been teasing my younger brother the night before because he had just newly received his driver’s license.
When I looked at it, I just wanted to see the picture but I noticed that it said her year of birth is 2006, not 2004. I turn 20 this year, but if my gf was born in 2006, that makes her the same age as my younger brother who also turns 18 in July.
While the age difference isn’t particularly worrying to me, it’s more of the fact that her government ID has conflicting information to what she had told me. My gf’s life has been filled with unfortunate circumstances, and if she really is 19 like me, why does her DL say she’s 17, and if the License is correct, why did she lie about her age?
Truthfully I’m unsure of where to go from here. Should I confront her? Ask her if she’s actually 19 or if there’s just a mistake on her license. Or should I just wait until her 18th birthday (DL) before saying anything?

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