I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 8 months and I have been feeling that he isn’t sure of me due to some of his actions such as not introducing to his friends for a long time, not telling his family about my existence even till now and not being comfortable sharing online streaming accounts and other small things.

I’m more than willing to communicate this and I’ve communicated this many times but sometimes I feel his actions don’t align with his words. He says he is sure about me but these actions make me feel that I’m being strung along.

He is a great person and I love him and I do want this to work and not feel the way I do. I’ve been going to therapy as well to feel a bit more secure and become a better person and to mitigate any potential issues I might have caused. So I was wondering what are some things one can do to make the other person feel that they are serious about them? I’m talking about actions and not just reassurance.

Thanks 🙂

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