I’m wondering if other women consider themselves pretty? If yes or no, why?

  1. I’m not pretty, no. I’m kind of fond of my face, so I wouldn’t want to trade it for anyone else’s or anything, but generally I feel like I look like a big fat toad.

  2. I have eyes, ears and self-awareness, so I know that I’m objectively hideous and one of the ugliest women on the planet. I have never seen a single woman that I for a second thought I looked better than.

  3. Yeah, I do. I have a fairly positive outward self image. I’ve always joked- any guy I’ve ever been interested has been interested back then later they go away so it’s not my looks that’s the problem, it’s my flavor of mental illness.

  4. I’m not my type, tbh, but I’m not unattractive. I am happy with myself and how I look. When I was younger, I was a model, and I had a fairly long career in a performance profession where looks are a consideration for being hired, so I’d probably be considered reasonably attractive for my age at this point even though I’m no longer young.

    I look my age. I have wrinkles. My skin isn’t as glowing or smooth as it once was. I’m still happy and think kind and positive thoughts about myself and my appearance. I didn’t know if I’d say definitively that I’m pretty, but I am pretty happy about myself.

  5. I rationally know that I’m conventionally pretty. Some days I see that in the mirror (especially when I’m dressed up and/or have makeup on), other days I really don’t.

  6. I think I have some pretty features. My eyes are big and blue and my skin is clear. But I need to raise my eyebrows and pout my lips slightly to be considered pretty by male standards.

    I think my relaxed face looks kinda sour. I can make myself look pretty if I need to but I don’t think guys think I’m pretty when I’m relaxed.

  7. Lol depends on the day. Some days I think I’m cute, but most days I think I look horrible.

  8. I believe I’m pretty, and that I’m looking and feeling way better now at 34 than I did on my twenties

  9. I think I’m pretty. I used to not, but as I’ve gotten older I realised that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I make myself feel good by wearing clothes and make up that make me feel confident, which in turn has benefited my confidence. I am comfortable with myself and like the way that I look. I have spent too many years getting upset about it, so I’m just trying to enjoy it now

  10. I love myself but I’m average. I have a great hourglass figure and perfect teeth. Otherwise so-so. 🙂

  11. Yes I do. Especially for being 70 years old. But I struggled with this for many years.

  12. Yes, I am conventionally attractive.

    I am also like 100 pounds heavier than I was back when I was doing beauty pageants, so I find it hard to see it as much anymore, but people still tell me that I am.

  13. I think I’m above average. I’m the muse of our entire department In university. So I assume that I really am pretty.

  14. i got told i was average looking in middle school by a teacher as she went around and told everyone else they were beautiful, so… i’m also just ugly lmao i need jaw surgery but it’s expensive and i’ll just deal with it i guess

  15. Yes. I do believe I’m pretty… on good days I catch myself flirting in the mirror. 😯

  16. everyone’s subjective, we all find different things attractive, we will always see ourselves worse than what other people see us. i always try and point out the things about myself that i like instead of looking at the negative. i do consider myself pretty 🙂

  17. I honestly just can’t tell anymore. Sometimes I feel like I am, and other times think I look like absolute garbage. I just lost my gauge for it I guess, I just don’t know anymore and don’t have anyone in my life to tell me honestly.

  18. I feel really pretty, I’m happy with my looks and body. I’m in my late 20’s now and it took me a looong time to feel pretty, I felt my worst during my teenage years, it was BAD.

  19. It really depends on the day. But typically, I try to remind myself that I AM pretty! I know I’m not hot or like drop-dead gorgeous, but I’m content with pretty.

  20. Yes, I do. I just need to lose weight really for both health reasons and to have my ideal body.

  21. i think i’m attractive, but more so in an unconventional and striking way. i have multiple unusual/unique features (heterochromia, very pale skin, a lot of freckles and moles on my face, a strong nose, etc). i’ve been told i resemble anya taylor-joy in that way, not necessarily because we look a lot alike, but because she is also attractive, but in a “eccentric” way. i used to not know how to work with it, but nowadays i own up to it and enjoy my looks a lot. 🙂

  22. I think I am. I spent years self hating. I still like to wear makeup because I think I look sick without it. 😂 But I love my hair, my eyes, my lips. I look on the mirror and like what I see.

  23. I think so? I get stopped by other women and have been told by men I am, so probably. But I don’t fit the conventional standard of beauty, and don’t know what other’s see.

    I do like my body for the most part though. I didn’t when I was younger because people thought I was anorexic (I’m not), but it currently looks like Lucy Diamond’s from DEBS.

  24. I cannot disrespect the money I regularly put into my hair and skincare (and fashion!) by saying no

  25. I’m overweight, and while the seat belt saved my life, the damage kinda left me with 2 bellies instead of just 1. I’m also a little older so I have some butt dimples, but damn I have CAKE. My legs are slender and my arms muscular, love that for me. The long coppery red mane on my head is stunning. People get lost in my light blue eyes. Every now and again someone just looks at me and says “freckles” lovingly. My face is beautiful and I’ve avoided the sun so I don’t have wrinkles, to hell with all the weirdos that have told me to get a tan. To top it all off I’m nearly 6 feet tall. I look like a Viking warrior queen. If I could get rid of the belly I’d be less self conscious for sure. Overall, I’m happy with my appearance at my age. Wish would have appreciated myself at 25 like I do now.

  26. I don’t. 

    At times there are certain features I think could be pretty on their own

    But on the whole … I think I got a weird mix of genetics and I just ain’t a looker.

  27. I think I’m okay. I don’t have any particular insecurity about any facial feature and individually, they’re all nice but the combination of them all is just okay. Some days are better than others.

    I wouldn’t say I’m pretty. Maybe cute, but not pretty.

  28. I think I’m pretty, but I’ve always been fat (I don’t subscribe to the body-positive movement. I’ve love to achieve a body-neutral mind frame.) I am also 45, so the aging signs also aren’t super fun to notice.

  29. Above average looks.

    Adjectives that I’ve been used to describe me: beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, curvy, pretty.

    Women I’ve heard I look like: Naomi Campbell, Mary J Blige, Ayra Starr.

    Body type: tall, massive boobs, small waist and legs.

    I’m blessed and would continue to think highly of myself.

  30. Yes but I think I get the very best treatment from society the faker I am and that’s really sad.

    In my early twenties I kept up with my platinum blonde every few weeks, wore POUNDS of makeup and had a raging eating disorder and was underweight. I also got plastic surgery on my chest. I wore clothes that showed off my body all the time. I also had hair so long it got caught it everything. I quickly became Facebook famous overnight and people praised me constantly.

    In my early thirties I am now a healthy weight (size six), I got a haircut, toned down my makeup and dress more understated. I also wear my glasses every day now instead of walking around blind. Still a platinum blonde and still take care to put on makeup and wear nice clothes for events. I still get compliments but every once in a while someone brings up how “perfect” I used to look and it’s super hurtful, honestly. That wasn’t me, it took so much work to maintain.

  31. Yeah I think I’m pretty. Not the kind of pretty where I can’t leave the house without getting hit on, but pretty enough where I don’t have issues finding men who are attracted to me if I want to date.

  32. I know that I’m attractive but seeing it depends on where I am in my cycle lol, I can go from thinking that I look amazing to feeling like a forgotten potato lurking in the back of the cupboard in one day!

  33. people tell me i’m really pretty and attractive,. and i believe them sometimes, but my confidence and self worth is pretty shaky sometimes too

  34. I have horrific body dysmorphia and generally think I’m really ugly but rationally I know I’m objectively pretty, my husband tells me all the time, I get male attention and get told I’m pretty, but personally I don’t see it, apart from getting ready in the morning I avoid looking in a mirror or reflection of myself and very very rarely take pictures. Very frustrating; I’d love to be body positive and like my reflection.

    Although that was super therapeutic to type out as it’s something I don’t talk about lol.

  35. Right now I feel like garbage. I had a minor surgery and since then I haven’t felt like a woman. More of a half human half gross hybrid.

    It’s worse right now because I am on my period and going to visit my partner after 2 months. I should be feeling sexy but I honestly feel like a gross mess.

    Hope I feel better about myself soon 🙈

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