My girlfriend and I have been dating for 2 years. She bought a brand new car around when we first started dating. We are serious and have talked about getting married. Our plan was to get a house next year, but this morning she told me she no longer wants to be in debt to her car loan and asked if I could help. Our combined monthly income is fairly high for our age. She wants to spend her entire savings and most of mine, leaving us with a few thousand combined. Instead, I suggested that I could pay for all of our expenses and the money she makes can go towards the car, allowing her to pay off the car within 10 months. That way, we would still have our savings for emergencies or down payment for a house. She does not like my suggestion and has decided she will pay off the car on her own because she feels like I’m not “all in.” I feel like it was not much of a discussion. It seemed more of her way or the highway situation. I feel like this sets a bad precedence for our relationship. That any future financial decisions will cause problems if I disagree or suggest alternatives. Is she reasonably upset? Was my alternative suggestion insulting or something?

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