Hi and sorry if this is not the right thread!

About 1 year ago I moved to a different city for my studies and now a couple of friends from my hometown are going to visit me in a few weeks. The thing is, I have only made 1 friend here all this time and I was ok with that, but to them I have been saying that I have a good social life(not that I am partying all the time or that I have tons of friends, but I told them that I do have a group of friends and we go out a few times a week), which is not true… And now that they are coming to visit me for a few days they are going to find out that I lied, because I don’t have ‘friends’ to introduce them to…

My one friend that I have here is going to be away during my friends’ stay, so I won’t be able to introduce them to even that 1 friend that I have and I am super stressed and anxious… They surely are going to ask me to introduce them to my friend group or go out with my friends and I don’t know what to do…I know I shouldn’t have created this fake social life image but I did, and now I don’t want them to find out that I am technically alone here….

Does anyone have any advice?What ‘excuse’ could I tell them when they see that it’s just going to be me and them when we go out and not any of my ‘local friends’?


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