My (29M) girlfriend (27F) has been gaining weight pretty rapidly, and the rate of weight gain is getting faster and faster, which I find pretty concerning. She has a busy job that can be both physically and mentally demanding, I get it, but at this rate, I’m actually worried about all the health complications that’ll follow, and maybe even an early death. Her weight went from 180 to 240 in the last 2-3 years, currently her body fat rate is well over 50%. In the last 2.5 months, her weight went up by 8 pounds, at which rate, she’ll be gaining around 35 pounds a year. Her job will continue to be demanding for the next 3-4 years, and if she doesn’t do anything to change her habits, she’ll probably gain well over 100 pounds by the end of it, IF the rate of weight gain stays the same.


All I really asked for seriously in our 5-year long relationship was to focus on her health and work towards losing weight, and I did everything I could, from cooking healthy meals every day, to asking her to join me when I go to the gym, to suggesting her to go seek help from healthcare professionals. None of them seemed to have worked, and her weight gain is only getting faster. She’s an amazing human being and I love her to death, but I find it so concerning, and it just makes me upset that my needs are not being heard at all throughout all these years. I believe we have a bright future when both of us are healthy, both mentally AND physically. She gets stressed out every time I share my concern about her health, and now I don’t even feel safe to bring that up. Sometimes I almost get yelled at when I bring it up. What can I do? I’m feeling lost.


Btw, I don’t have fat-phobia. I am not skinny myself, and I was never attracted to a skinny woman. My gf was already on the thicker side when I first met her. Her current weight and the rate of weight gain are undeniably concerning from health perspective imo.


TL;DR – My girlfriend has been gaining weight pretty fast, and I have no idea what else I can do for her at this point.

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