What is your experience with your own and your sexual partner’s body hair during intimacy?

  1. Could you be more specific about what you’re asking? What has prompted you to ask this?

    Speaking generally, as a female I am a little uncomfortable with my own body hair and often prefer to be clean shaven pretty much everywhere. My partner doesn’t seem to mind either way. I don’t care if my man is clean shaven or not. Body hair is masculine to me so I never expect him to shave. It’s honestly not something either of us think too much about because we’re both mature adults who understand body hair is normal.

  2. I don’t have a preference for him. I know he prefers me to shave, but the times I’ve gone a week or 2 without shaving he’s never complained about it.

  3. we both just prefer some trimming. if it gets over grown, whatever. it’s just hair. if you’re clean, the hair should be clean too.

  4. She hadn’t shaved for along time. Her long hairs chafed me . After about 3 days I was asking her to shave. She asked her friends and they were shocked she had never shaved. Keep it shaved somewhat. Everything was fine after that. Both parties need to be shaved

  5. Question’s a little unspecific.

    But I like body hair on my man. He leaves his underarm hair and I wax mine. He trims around his groin and I do the same. I wouldn’t ever shave down there because I get bad in-growns.

  6. I don’t think my first ever saw me without a full bush that was haphazardly trimmed with scissors lmfao. He didn’t care.

    Currently I shave about once a week, sometimes twice, particularly because it gets itchy. He shaves about once a week as well. We don’t care.

  7. I have no qualms with anyone’s body hair. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I dream of being a hairy beast with a hairy beast someday. So freeing ❤️

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