I go to work, I go to the gym, and I come home. That’s all I do. At work, I’m the youngest one (20) in my department, everybody else is in their 40s or 50s. In other departments, I assume the youngest people are in their late 20s. At the gym, I go in the morning so again, everyone is older and everyone really keeps to themselves. I had a friend group in high school but we grew apart and I chose not to be friends with them anymore, long story short, since then, I’ve noticed I haven’t really spoken bad about people and I grew out of that high school mentality of talking about the same people, keeping up with them blah blah who cares. I drove my boyfriend away by being too clingy because of this, and now we’re broken up but I don’t want to reach out to him to console me. I have a big family but I’m the only one that lives at home with my parents now. However, the tv is always on, my mom is finishing her bachelor’s degree so she’s always studying and my dad is always on his phone. I have a cat so she keeps me company, but other than this. I really don’t even talk to anybody. I find myself scrolling on reddit and trying to find people that relate to me to feel like I’m not really alone. I went off of social media because I found myself comparing myself to other people and other people’s relationships and it made me sad. So yeah, idk how to make friends at this stage in my life because I also dropped out of school

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