On my page there’s another post that would likely give more background information.

I’m curious why do we humans need social interaction anymore? In the days of old we needed people to understand new ideas, learn new things, in technically every case that’s still true because everything on this planet besides the earth and other living beings, was created by someone. But in the reality of life now, is there a true need to have a dialogue when we have things such as chat gpt, that provided much more accurate information and responses than a human. It of course makes mistakes, but unless a person is truly an expert on a topic which is quite rare, these basic artificial intelligence models are better at providing information than the Avg person.

I’ve been at this job just over 6 months now, and I’ve noticed how many inaccuracies people make (me included) and I think we dang, why do we even bother speaking when we could all just go on our phone and get accurate info right away.

That again leads to people are truly involved in everything, so I do understand at times teams of people are needed to communicate with one another to solve an issue. I more so am referring to the social life aspect, not so much the work world.

TL;DR Why do humans need to socialize outside of work when the only way we can possibly get accurate, and fast information about a subject is through the internet or a book. Yes I understand people built and continue to build these things, I’m only speaking about communication outside of work. During work it makes sense that we all need to communicate to achieve the goal at hand.

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