When I was in secondary school, I was quite quiet and struggled to make conversation with people, I would say I’m a lot more extroverted now though. I’m in sixth form now (of the same school, but there’s lots of new people) and people usually treat me like I’m not there, for instance my best friend is really extroverted and talks to lots of people and I’ll often join the conversation, but a lot of the times they’ll completely ignore me and keep talking to her. And the other day, I was with her and another friend, we were talking to her brother and he kept asking those two questions but not me. This happens a lot. I’m beginning to feel self conscious, I didnt think i was ugly but I’m beginning to doubt that now, because a lot of people are rude to me without even speaking to me. Is it possible I’m just reading this wrong and overthinking? I’m a girl by the way if that changes anything lol

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