For me, the movie Warrior with Tom Hardy and Joel Egderton literally brought tears to my eyes. I’m not the emotional type when it comes to movies, but after Tom Hardy’s defeat, Joel Edgerton told him that he loved him. I felt that!! Literally brought tears to my eyes!!

  1. I rewatched Matilda somewhat recently. I was her age when the movie first came out and we watched it in school after reading the book. Now watching it as an adult it brought tears to my eyes thinking about how her parents had a child they didn’t love.

  2. I kid you not; The Color Purple! And I ain’t a woman or black! The end, in the field? I am on the floor balling like someone just cut off my
    Mr. Big. E v e r y Time…

  3. Saving Private Ryan. “Tell me I have led a good life. Tell me I’m a good man.”

    Lord of the Rings: “We set out to save the Shire.” “And it has been saved, but not for me.”

  4. – Interstellar; when he meets his daughter after being in the tesseract.
    – Lion King; you know when.

  5. The end of Schindler’s list when Schindler’s was still trying to help the people around him desperately, Liam Neeson was just amazing.

    I never watched the film again.

  6. The Shawshank Redemption is a film that always brings a tear or two. Brooks talking about Jake after his prison release is so sad. Andy successfully escaping always lifts me right back up.

  7. Pokemon Movie. “I Choose You!” When Ash dies and is sent to the next world”

  8. Big Fish. Albert Finney is so much like my father that it was like living through his death again.

    Also – What Dreams May Come. The artistry of that movie is so powerful it gives me whole-body goosebumps right now just thinking about it.

  9. Mask (always tear up when rocky dennis dies) and the movie I Am Sam with sean penn

  10. The worst for me is atonement when the sister is admitting the bed of the book is made up as both her older sister and her lover died in the war so she writes them the ending they should of had.

    Genuinely though I’m a big softie and a LOT of films make me cry and I’m not afraid to admit it.

  11. Awakenings. When the young girl dances with Leonard as he’s sliding back into oblivion.

  12. Toy story when they are about to burn. Woody is struggling and Jessi just hold his hand. He looks around and see all his friends holding hand and accepting their destiny. That shit destroyed me

  13. When I got to the end of A Star is Born with Bradley Cooper. For anyone who hasn’t seen it I won’t ruin the ending but I completely understood because I had been there before in my alcoholism.

  14. Fate of the Furious. When Brian and Dom split at the end.

    I was young when the first Fast and Furious movie came out and have always been super into them. Yeah they have been over the top in the last few, but I’m still sucked in. Paul Walkers death is one celebrity death that hit me the hardest and that end scene took it out of me

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