I matched with a guy on OLD. We are both in our early 30s but he’s 2 years older. It’s now been almost 3 weeks. I told him on week 2 that I wasn’t interested in texting often before we meet in person. He said sure we will meet soon. But it’s like he ignored what I said because he keeps texting me.

I am confused that he would always want to text me everyday and ask me questions about myself but he hasn’t made the move to meet me. After 1 week of texting each other, I asked him when we were going to meet. He said soon but he’s busy at work with a project. Last weekend, he said he had to work. I was expecting him to ask me about meeting this weekend, but it’s now Thursday and he hasn’t said anything. I think it’s embarrassing if I keep asking him about us meeting. I have brought it up twice now.

I have intentionally ignored many of his messages but that hasn’t deterred him. I give short answers to most of his questions, yet he continues messaging. He would even double text and triple text. I get a good morning message before I wake up. And several more “getting to know you questions” during the day. Then a good night message. We have talked about where to meet the first time and the activities to do. And he says things like “we can workout together sometimes” or “I can’t wait to see that hairstyle on you when we spend time together”

What should I do ? Based on his profile, he seems like someone I could like so I’m really looking forward to getting to know him. I would have blocked him if I wasn’t interested. However, I am becoming irritated by his constant need to communicate with me without making plans to see me.

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