Hey folks, finding myself in a bit of a unique situation here and could use some outsider perspective. My partner’s recently hit it big as a live streamer. They stream on Twitch/TikTok/Kick It’s been an amazing journey watching them grow and genuinely, I’m super proud and supportive. The money’s been a game changer for us, no lie there. It’s insane the money they make from ads, donations etc.

But I’m struggling with the whole parasocial relationship aspect of their fame. Fans are super invested in my partner’s life, which is kinda the point, but it’s starting to feel like there’s a whole bunch of people who “know” my SO in a way that’s a bit too close for comfort. They’re always super positive and supportive, but it’s weird feeling like you’re sharing your partner with an army of online followers.

I trust my partner completely and we talk about everything, but I’m not sure how to navigate my feelings about their fans without sounding like I’m not supportive or, worse, jealous. It’s a strange mix of being happy for their success and feeling a bit lost in the sea of their growing online presence.

Has anyone else dealt with something like this? How do you maintain a healthy relationship when one partner’s job involves forming these kinds of connections with fans? I’m all ears for advice or even just hearing from someone who’s been in a similar boat. Thanks for listening, Reddit.

TLDR; Partner’s live streaming success is cool but their fans’ parasocial vibes make me uneasy. Tips on handling it without raining on their parade?

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