Hi everyone,

My (29M) Gf (23F) had cheated on her previous partner with three different men over a 2 month span and had told me this fact early on our relationship (we have been together for 2 years now). She told me how bad she felt and described her reasons why (mainly due to her partner). I have poked the topic quite a few times over the course of the last two years because I wanted to know all the details to ensure I could trust her. The fact that she openly told me about it early was a sign for me that she was looking to be a better person so I continued the relationship. The only thing is, the more I poked the more I found out she was lying to me about certain things. At first she said it was only one man, and after originally asking her if they’re was more than one person, months later she confessed there were three (I shouldn’t even say confess because I had to basically pry it out of her). There are quite a few little things that she has “omitted” but just recently we got on the topic again and we talked about how he found out. She originally told me that she went home and confessed to him on her own accord. She is now saying her partner found some text messages and then decided to confess. I’m having trouble with this as originally my main reason for giving the relationship a fair shot was the fact that I thought she was being honest and open about it all but in reality she was omitting the entire thing. It’s really hurting my already present trust issues and I’m questioning everything she says surrounding the topic. Any questions or advice here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

TD;LR: Gf has repeatedly omitted in our relationship regarding her previously cheating on her EX, and I’m having trouble trusting what she tells me.

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