
I have posted this before, but there has been a development that changes the nature of my question.
I (23M) had been seeing someone (20F) for a little while- she has HSV-2. We didn’t have sex, but she performed oral on me one time. That is the furthest we went.
She hasn’t had any breakouts since the first one, and I haven’t had any symptoms (it’s been two and a half weeks), but my anxiety is getting the better of me. Not going to lie, I am freaking out a little bit. I am finding a lot of conflicting information online, and I am terrified that I could have contracted the virus and don’t know.
Also, she and I are mutually not exclusive. I really don’t want to give this to anybody, if I got it and am asymptomatic. I have also read that the CDC doesn’t recommend tests for asymptomatic people, and that doctors will refuse you if you request a test with no symptoms, because the blood test is inaccurate.
So, now I feel like there’s no way to know if I did get it from her. Should I disclose to theoretical future partners that I received oral from someone with HSV-2? I don’t want to pass it to somebody, that would be awful of me.
What do I do? Should I even be worried in the first place? Please help

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