my wife is very sweet, chill and caring. i truly love who she is and that’s why i married her. however over the past year it appears that more and more she is becoming hesitant about friends visiting us or her going out. we have an amazing house that’s epic for entertaining. we have a DJ booth in our living room, lyra and silks rig, hot tub, sauna, nice deck etc far away from any neighbors on some land just outside of town. i love to have little gatherings and she’s becoming very reluctant to have them. even if i invite her own friends. it’s not like i’m trying to have a rager of a party either, more like two or three friends coming over at a time and that i would do all of the cooking and cleaning around the house and she would have to do nothing but just hang out. I’m only trying to have some people over like once a week maximum.

she is telling me that she knows it’s important for me to socialize and maybe i can plan things at the house on days she has to work and that she doesn’t understand why she wants her to be included in any social plans and how she doesn’t think she’s as cool or entertaining as i am.all she really wants to do is spend time with the cats and dog and putter around the house on her days off. when i ask if we can go hangout with some friends or have them visit our house she gets very stressed out.i’m worried she’s becoming depressed despite what on paper and in reality is a very wholesome life filled with people who love us. we have amazing friends that cherish us. so to me it’s really sad to see her try to become distant from them. i’m not sure what i can do to change that but i’m worry she is starting to shell up more and more to where even having her brother over to visit will become too much. i’m hoping maybe that i can set her up with a therapist or something as i think she is just stressing about the wrong things and getting inside her head too much.

anywho, if you have any ideas or advice this would be greatly appreciated. thanks, reddit.

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