I’m 23 and I’ve never had a girlfriend before. I was severely out of shape during my teen and early 20s years. Also had horrible social anxiety. On top of that, the idea of asking a girl out to coffee or something was foreign to me before 21 and I didn’t have confidence back then. So of course I was invisible to women my age

Now I’m in much better shape than I was in the past and I have a bit more confidence now. But I’m still devoid of any real romantic of sexual experience. I don’t know how to be a boyfriend or please a girl. Women my age now want someone more established and experienced. Some of them want to start settling down and moving into houses with their partners. And often times they go for men older than them.

So this puts me in a weird situation. I doubt any woman my age wants a guy like me. Honestly I also don’t feel comfortable dating someone so much more experienced than me. What do I even do? Someone suggested I date women 2-4 years younger than me since they’d be similar to me. Others suggested I try hard to find woman with as little experience as me but that seems like finding a needle in a heystack.

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