I am at a cross roads with my relationship at the moment. We have been together close to 5 years now. Have a child together and he has two other children from his past. We both work Fulltime but on opposite shifts on top of me being a Fulltime student. I get home and have about 2 hours before he has to leave. We have kids every weekend. Never a moment alone. Yes I guess they won’t be little forever so cherish the moments with them but at what cost? Family watching our kid’s seems impossible as they only cater to their favorites. Trusting a stranger with my kids scares me. I do not like him touching me because I am so far disconnected mentally from him. I always take the lead in things we do or places we go eat. Why because he just doesn’t care to put any input in. Our relationship is so dull and I truly feel like he is another child I just pick up after while already picking up after his children. He never proposes ideas of us to do things but can talk about his interests. I can handle doing something I don’t like for the sake of my partner but he truly cannot deal with anything that has my interest to make me happy. I do not like taking him places when it doesn’t interest him because his attitude will just ruin my damn day. We are supposed to be planning a wedding this coming year. He is aware our relationship is basically on a back burner. Truly I feel he will never change and this is just him. Or maybe I am just not the person for him to do the romantic things for, or plan dates, go out of his way to find things we can do together. Dang I want you to be the one but this is not our first conversation about this crap. I answered my own question and know what I need to do … which is leave because salvaging something that only one person wants to save is not possible. Is anyone else relationship this way?? What are some things you’ve done in your relationship??

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