For the first time ever, I have no idea what to gift my husband for our anniversary. And it’s only our third one!!! I know he would be happy with whatever just because I even bothered to get him something but I’m kind if bummed because I don’t even have random ideas. I have usually been great at gifts when it comes to my husband and now my head is just empty. Usually I have the gift ready for months and now? Two days out and I’m just sitting here thinking how I have failed.

Somehow it feels like we buy and gift each other stuff we need anyways, we do what we like and so on. Honestly, it makes me feel as if I don’t know my husband!! And it totally seems like a “me” problem because as I said, he would be happy with a sandwich I made. And for myself, I don’t even expect him to get anything because no need to spend the money, but I have gotten my own expectations up for his gift I guess.

It was mostly a vent but ideas are welcome.

  1. My wife and I came to the conclusion that experiences make for better gifts than just items when we’re stumped on what to get. We got each other gifts for last year’s anniversary, but thinking of gifts for us is tough as there’s not much we really want at any given time that we can’t just buy ourselves at any time.

    Our 2nd anniversary is on Sunday and we decided to take a weekend trip to the beach to celebrate rather than buy an item. We both agreed that getting out and doing something together will be more memorable than last year.

    I don’t know how keen your husband would be on the idea, but getting out and going somewhere memorable is more preferable for my wife and I rather than just exchange gifts, we can save that for Christmas lol.

  2. Take him out to dinner or if money is tight get a cheap bottle of wine with a card. Get some bubble bath, light candles and place around the tub and be in there waiting for him.

  3. My wife and I exchanged traditional and modern gifts for a long time. Been married 28 years. It can be really fun because the gift suggestion gives you a set framework that you build on. I mean, you can always go out to dinner or take nice weekend getaway.

    Example. For our first wedding anniversary we were kind of broke. Like 100 bucks was a lot of money. I took 100 one dollar bills and crumpled them up and put them in a box for her. For the copper year she got a penny for each year we were married and framed them.

    3rd wedding anniversary is: Traditional = leather, Modern = crystal or glass.

    Is it corny? Kind of. A nice leather wallet. A crystal clock for his desk. Stuff like that. Or leather panties for you to wear. See? You can get creative and instead of being overwhelmed you can have a more narrow path to go down.

  4. We’ve talked about giving each other gifts depending on what anniversary it is that year (cotton, paper, bronze etc) if that’s any help!

  5. My wife and I aren’t huge into buying things and are often picky on what we want. I would be happy getting beer, whiskey, and candy every year. Depending on your relationship you don’t need to get a big gift. We view anniversary as a time to celebrate each other and not for gifts anyways. For us it’s about getting some time together and going out on a date.

  6. Rent an erotic massage video and practice on each other. Spend a day at a spa getting massage, pedicure, and manicure (men benefit from having their body worked on as well).

  7. My husband and I have been sticking to the traditional gifts. Year three is leather. I got him a nice belt that he wanted and he got me a wallet.

  8. It doesn’t have to be a secret surprise. I’d talk with him point blank about exactly what both of you will do. If there’s some gift that fits for him, let him tell you. And vice versa–you tell him.

    Or do something for “us.” In the past, we’ve bought furniture one time, a Turkish rug another time, did a bath remodel yet another and last year it was a new refrigerator and called that “our anniversary gift”. And we’ve also put together trips from as little as a long weekend to as big as a couple weeks bouncing around Italy. We planned it together every time, so no secrets needed.

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