Now bear with me. Bc i know this has been posted many times.
but some people (not all) genuinely don’t like me. but they’ll try to be my friend. then talk shit about me behind my back. ofc my real friends will let me know when someone is speaking ill of me, but it does make me wonder what the reason behind that is.
i’ve had girls flat out not be nice to, give me mean faces, walk coldly past me, etc. and i don’t. know. why. i genuinely try to be friendly and open and funny. and i think it works bc it lands rly well with some people.
but i’ve noticed girls especially, or guys (if i decline going out with them once) will often be mean to me, calling me names, such as “autistic” when in reality im just quirky, fun, and different. im not autistic (nothing wrong w being autistic ofc), but these people generally will say that to speak “bad” of me. which is so ???
another ex: a girl and i began being friendly at work, and just stopped talking to me altogether, and only talks to my bf, ignoring me, regardless of me standing right there. do i insert myself in these situations? idk.

i try not to waste my time on these things but it does wear me down.

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