I am 36 years old, married and have a 2 yr old kid. I have been working for the last 10 years at the same job in the social work line

I just got my diploma during the covid season of 2021. Due to my birth of my child, juggling work and studies, I was transferred to handle admin and operation matters because I was emotionally burnout to handle frontline clients and i was doing the least of my peers

I am screwing up at work alot even after the role transfer due to poor memory and time management. My daily rountine is just hitting the ground running at work and having to do admin paperwork after the family has gone to bed. Past mistakes keep coming back to bite me in the back

I am bonded to my company as they paid for my diploma so i cant leave at least half a year as i cant afford to pay them back

I am tired of working and screwing up constantly. I feel horrible of underperforming but struggle to accept my limitations like a metaphor on how some people can carry 2 full pails of water while i am struggling with just half pail of water

I dont know what to do, my boss has been understanding by downgrading my work by minimum work requirements but i seem to be “demanding more concessions”

I wish i could just do better and stop letting people down

  1. Learn to savor the good parts of every moment. At our age, each day will be better than the next.

  2. Hang in there man. You’re doing enough and things will click. I felt like that a month ago.

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