Hello everyone!

I am a 4th-year psychology student conducting an interesting piece of research for my thesis, and I need your help! My study is focused on the intriguing connections between personality traits and relationship satisfaction, and I’m looking for couples willing to participate. Whether you identify as a heteronormative or LGBTQI+ couple or find yourself somewhere fluid in between, your participation would be incredibly valuable. Please I am desperate at this point. I need a good grade for my honours project so I can apply for a master’s degree at a very good University. I was hoping the Redditors could assist me with this! Thanks in advance to anyone who will contribute!

What’s involved?

Participating is quite straightforward:

You and your partner will independently complete a single survey, which includes three questionnaires that are very quick and simple!

The first questionnaire will gather information such as sexual orientation and gender identity.

Next, you’ll dive into the Big-5 personality assessment inventory. (According to this model, personality is formed by five main factors or personality traits, which include Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.)

Finally, you’ll evaluate your satisfaction within your current relationship.

Why should you consider participating?

Confidentiality Guaranteed: Your participation is completely anonymous and has been approved by my university’s ethical committee.

Contribute to Science: By participating, you are directly contributing to important psychological research that could help better understand the dynamics of romantic relationships.

Strictly Couples Only: I am looking for both partners in a relationship to participate (singles, maybe next time!).

How will your privacy be protected?

To ensure the integrity of the data, we ask that you and your partner choose a password (mentioned as “code” in the survey) you will each provide during the survey. This is the most critical step, as without that code I won’t be able to use the collected data from your couple. Only with this code, I will be able to link your responses while maintaining anonymity. Please make sure you got that part right! A good chunk (about a half at this point) of data that was collected so far is not useful as some passwords either don’t have a match or are not included at all.

If you and your partner are interested in contributing to this study, please follow the link [https://abertay.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_5teFIMn1XWgtLLw](https://abertay.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5teFIMn1XWgtLLw) to begin the survey. Feel free to ask any questions!

Thank you so much for considering, and your participation is greatly appreciated!

Academic research post approved by r/sex moderators 03102024-1zw172

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