My ex bf (34 M) asked me (31 F) for a break after being together for close to a year. We were in an LDR. Overall good relationship but he tends to shy away from certain conversations. Things like how do you feel about this or that or boundaries. We ended up breaking up bc he forgot my bday even when I gave him a heads up about it. He apologized but I was upset for about it for two full days and moody/grumpy with him. Eventually after two days I came around and got over it and wanted to move past it. However at that point he asked for a break saying he’s not sure what he wants and had doubts about us. It caught me off guard, bc he never expressed concerns before. He told me a break would clear his head but I told him I don’t do breaks and we either work on our problems or break up. He said we wouldn’t talk to other people during the break and that he thinks I’m a great girl. I don’t in general believe in breaks. I broke up with him one day later and felt a bit confused about the whole thing. I told him all the best and that we shouldn’t talk and asked he not contact me again. This week he reached out it’s been a month since our break up. He said he knows he isn’t supposed to reach out to me but wanted to check to see how I I am. Does this mean anything? I’m not yet over him and pretty attached still. My brain is all over the place. Maybe he wants to get back together but I don’t want to hold onto false hope. Or maybe he just feels guilty. I’m leaning towards not replying. But has anyone dealt with something similar

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